This is how to beautify and thicken your eyelashes without eyelash extensions

SURYA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Beautiful, curly eyelashes are almost every woman’s dream.

To get it, various treatments are carried out, starting from treating with conventional methods to doing eyelash extensions.

However, not everyone dares to do eyelash extensions.

Some are afraid that if they do extensions, their natural eyelashes will be damaged.

For this reason, many are switching to using natural treatments such as eyelash serum.

This beauty product is currently on the rise on the market.

“Eyelash extensions are a practical solution for making curly and beautiful eyelashes in a short time. However, not everyone dares to do eyelash extensions. From there, many then use eyelash care products such as serum,” said Titik Nur Mujayana, Owner of ourmuzzle. id, Tuesday (25/1/2022).

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This woman, who is familiarly called Nana, said that eyelash serum is in great demand because it is easy to use and does not cause pain, as is feared for eyelash extension treatments.

However, Nana recommends choosing an eyelash serum product that is safe and does not contain dangerous chemicals.

Even better if the product is made from natural and herbal ingredients.

“There are indeed many eyelash serums on the market, but you have to be careful. Because the eye area is sensitive, so use products that are safe and made from herbal ingredients if possible,” he explained.

Nana then suggested one of her homemade eyelash serum products which is made from natural herbal ingredients. Eyelash Serum from is claimed to use ingredients that are safe and not painful to the eyes.

“The eyelash serum from our product is made from 100 percent herbal ingredients. We don’t use chemicals. Some of the ingredients include squalene, argan oil, cendlenut oil, rosmary extract, castor oil, camellia oleifera seed oil and olive oil,” he explained.

These natural ingredients, Nana explained, function to help thicken and blacken eyelashes.