Eyelash Extensions Enough for 50 Thousand! If you want to have curly and thick eyelashes, you can actually use this 1 kitchen ingredient, try it and see the results for yourself – All Pages

Eyelashes can be curly and thick if you use this 1 kitchen ingredient.

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Eyelashes can be curly and thick if you use this 1 kitchen ingredient.

SajianSedap.com – The function of eyelashes is very important.

Not only to look after the eyes, eyelashes can also beautify our face.

Yes, as women of course we want to have curly and thick eyelashes.

Thick and curly eyelashes can make us appear more confident.

Therefore, if we don’t have curly eyelashes, we usually do eyelash extensions.

By doing eyelash extension treatment, you can make your eyelashes appear curlier and thicker in an instant.

However, did you know that there are bad effects from eyelash extensions?

Yes, sometimes your eyes can become irritated if you do eyelash extensions in fake places.

So, why don’t you think about it, it’s better if you just use this one kitchen ingredient.

If you use this kitchen ingredient, you are guaranteed to make your eyelashes curly and thick.

Want the complete information? Read this article straight away!

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How to Curl Eyelashes Naturally

If you want to have curly eyelashes, it’s better to just use natural ones.

Yes, it turns out you can use olive oil.

Reporting from Tribunnews, olive oil contains essential fatty acids.

This content can be used as a moisturizer and softener for eyelashes.

Olive oil can curl eyelashes.


Olive oil can curl eyelashes.

How to curl eyelashes with olive oil is also very easy.

You just need to prepare a soft eyelash brush.

Then, dip the brush in olive oil.

After that, apply olive oil evenly to your eyelashes.

Remember, take it slow so that the olive oil doesn’t get into your eyes.

To get optimal results, you have to do this method repeatedly.

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Guaranteed, your eyelashes that were previously short and thin will slowly become thick and curly with olive oil.

Apart from using olive oil, you can also use other ingredients.

Other Ingredients for Curling Eyelashes

1. Lemon zest and castor oil

You can put a few slices of lemon peel in a container.

Pour castor oil or Castrol oil until the lemon peel is soaked, then let it sit for approximately three days.

Only after that apply the concoction using a mascara brush to your eyelashes before going to bed.

Leave it overnight, when you wake up, wipe the oil clean.

Do this treatment for several months to get maximum results.

2. Baby powder

There is another way if you want to curl your eyelashes, namely using baby powder.

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The method is very easy, first coat your eyelashes using mascara as usual.

Then pour the powder into the palm of your hand and roll the mascara brush over it, then apply it to your eyelashes.

Finally, you can apply mascara again to get maximum results.

3. Using a spoon

Quoting from Nakita’s previous article, you can make your eyelashes curl using a spoon.

– Take a clean spoon with a thin side.

– Wet the spoon with warm water

– Bring the still warm spoon to your eyelid, right at the eyelash line

– Press the lashes into the curve of the spoon

– Apply mascara to set and make the curls last longer

– Finally, comb your eyelashes carefully while the mascara is still half wet

Also Read: Wow! Curled and bright eyelashes like Syahrini’s. It’s not a dream. If you diligently apply gel from this plant, the results will not disappoint.

This article was published on Nakita.id with the title, How to Curl Eyelashes Permanently and Quickly, Just Use Olive Oil in This Way